herbal natural treatment for the disease to heart failure

herbal natural treatment for the disease to heart failure

{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf480{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 cambria;\f1\froman\fcharset77 timesnewromanpsmt;}{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10100\viewh17040\viewkind0\deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\ri720 \f0\fs24 \cf0 heart disease is a collectionof gradually increasing symptoms that affect the heart\'d5s ability to pump blood throughthe body. perhaps one of the first symptoms that can show up is high cholesterol. usuallythe next thing to show up is high blood pressure. this can then lead to a condition known asatherosclerosis, which is basically referred to in lay terms as \'d2blocked arteries.\'d3the next step for most people is sometimes

angina, or pain in the chest, and if leftuntreated, that can lead to thickening of the heart walls that we refer to as \'d2congestiveheart failure,\'d3 and eventually it can lead to heart attack and even death.\\ the conventional medical approach to managingheart disease is to attempt to control each individual symptom with a different medication.so they\'d5ll try to control the high cholesterol with a cholesterol-lowering drug; they\'d5lltry to control the blood pressure with one or more blood pressure-controlling drugs,and so on. in those cases, they can be valuable tools for the short term. but long-term, forcase management, they produce side effects and they don\'d5t address the root causesof the condition.\

\when patients come to see me, i always start with a thorough history that looks at theirdiet and lifestyle factors: heart disease is one hundred percent related to diet andlifestyle and so if they have this, i need to know what factors are going on in eachpatient\'d5s history so i can help teach them how to reverse those. next, i\'d5m going toorder basic blood work where i need to look at things like lipid panel, but also somethings that are often missed, like homocysteine levels and c-reactive protein levels, becausethose factors are actually some of the things that actually cause vascular inflammation.i\'d5ll then also order electrocardiograms to look at the electrical conductivity ofthe heart, usually a doppler echocardiogram

to look at the cardiac output, is it pumpingblood efficiently?, and sometimes a ct scan to see if they have calcium deposits in thecoronary arteries.\ \i\'d5ll always base my treatments on test results. for example, if someone has highlevels of homocysteine, which is a normal metabolic waste product and can actually damagethe blood vessel linings, the treatment involves high levels of vitamins b6, b12, folic acid,and an amino acid called glycine. if the patient is consuming a lot of dairy products suchas milk or cheese, and those products happen to be pasteurized, one of the risk factorsis an enzyme in cow\'d5s milk, known as xanthine oxidase, will be broken up into fragmentswhich the body absorbs into the bloodstream,

and those xanthine oxidase fragments actuallycause inflammation and damage to the lining of the blood vessels. that, in turn, causesthe elevated cholesterol and the other symptoms we see in heart disease. so it would be veryimportant for those patients to give up their dairy products completely.\\ if a patient is presenting with angina, orchest pain, one of the problems is either a blockage or a constriction of the bloodvessels supplying the heart with blood, which are called the coronary arteries. the mainform of treatment i use is the amino acid arginine, which stimulates the body to produceits own natural nitric oxide, which can help dilate the blood vessels and stimulate thehealing of the blood vessels. in every case

of patients with heart disease, i always prescribea nutritional plan consisting of organic, whole foods and no processed foods. i willsupplement essential vitamins and minerals. in every case, i\'d5m always prescribing someform of appropriate exercise program and stress-reduction plan. and i always am using the herbs hawthornberry and gingko biloba\'d1the hawthorn will help nourish the heart, and the gingko bilobaincreases the fine circulation in the body.\ \patients who follow my treatment protocol have had great success. their high blood pressureis lower, their high cholesterol is lower, their angina goes away, their atherosclerosisis reversed, and within a year, most of them are off all prescription medications. if someonewould like to prevent or reverse heart disease,

i recommend they adopt a natural living lifestylethat includes whole foods, no processed foods, essential nutrient supplementation, and exercise.i would also recommend they seek out a qualified naturopathic doctor who can help them managethe more serious aspects of this condition. \f1 \}

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